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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


David Ignatius
Associate Editor and Columnist for the Washington Post
MSNBCW 06/08/2014
Ignatius: Last week I went to interview the Director of National intelligence, James Clapper. He doesn't give interviews very often. And in that conversation, he said that the damage done by Snowden's revelations is less than the intelligence community initially had thought. That in his words, some of the things we thought he took, he didn't. Some of the things he tried to take, he wasn't able to. He said also, I should note, that in his view, the damage caused even though less than expected was still in his words profound.
David Ignatius
Associate Editor and Columnist for the Washington Post
MSNBCW 06/08/2014
Ignatius: A senior intelligence official familiar with this matter broke down what they think Snowden has taken. 300 documents that have been published in newspapers around the world so far, another 200,000 that are believed to have been given by Snowden to journalists and then an additional 1.5 million that they believe that he accessed. That may sound like an awful lot. But it's fewer than they thought. They thought it was more than that.
David Ignatius
Associate Editor and Columnist for the Washington Post
MSNBCW 06/08/2014
Ignatius: some damage they know about, just by observing our adversaries, by looking at al Qaeda and other terrorist groups which have, according to officials, changed the way they operate in this year since Snowden's revelations, showed them some of the things the United States was capable of doing. There are other things they don't want to talk about. For example, I pushed officials, do you see any change in Russian or Chinese behavior that would suggest that they have become aware of certain secret things we're doing? They just wouldn't answer that question. So I can't tell your viewers what that one is.
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